Saturday, September 6, 2008

Annual August 30th Sports Fellowship Day

Every year, our fellowship of churches gathers together at our camp to have a day of sports and fellowship. This is also the day of the soccer tournament finals. Our church had the 11-14 boys team playing for 3rd or 4th place. The other team didn't show so our church won 3rd place. There were about 800 people there this year, down slightly from last year. The following pictures show a little of what we do during that day.

The senior class at the Bible college prepares food to sell. This is a fund raiser for their senior class trip which will take place in December. Many people plan to buy their food each year.

Some prefer to sit around the tables and talk.

Others prefer to take large unbrellas and picnic lunches and just relax the day away.

One of the events each year is the running races. There are many categories from the small children to the 45+ ages. Sarah, Luke, Hannah and Jon all participated in this and won either 2nd or 3rd. Luke was suppose to win first, but there was some error in the judging and he was given 2nd. I didn't have to run this year since a new lady joined our church and she wanted to run. She placed first. I haven't placed first in years. Luke is ahead in the picture.

One of the big highlights of this year was the return of Jon's parents back to Trujillo. They arrived the day before from their time in Lima. Dad is recuperating little by little. He looks good, but his energy is low. Thanks for praying for them.

Another event was the high jump. Sarah, Luke and Hannah participated in this event as well. Only Luke placed but I don't remember which place, somewhere between 3rd and 5th. I participated for the pastors wives category. I was the only one willing to do it; I earned first place, but didn't get any points for my team. At least I didn't hurt myself in the process.

Soccer is the favorite sport among the men. The teams battle out for first place. This is the youth team playing. Our church's youth team didn't make it this year. It was still a very exciting game. They ended in a tie, then they had the penalty shots and the green team won (Esperanza vs. Filadelfia) I mention the teams for our co-workers who are in the States and missed this event.

To our surprise, our church team won first place again. It doesn't make sense since we didn't win any of the first or second places in the soccer or volleyball events. But, several of our church people participated in the track and field events. Our church is Getsemani. You can clic on the photo to enlarge it. Again, I thought my co-workers would like to see how their churches did this year.

The bus our church rented to get out to camp for the day.

A view of the inside of the bus.

1 comment:

Molly said...

Aw, man, I'm bummed that we missed the Olympiadas! I always look forward to that. Glad you had a good time. Hey, your church is looking great! Miss you guys.