Thursday, November 6, 2008

Christmas Party for the Pastors' Kids

This was the first time in my years here that we have put on a Christmas party for the pastors' kids. We chose to do it during our regularly scheduled November meeting because December gets so busy with all the activities in other ministries of our lives.

We set up my Christmas tree and put the 52 gifts under it.

One group of ladies brought the pop corn already served in bags. One of the other ladies came up with the idea to design a tree out of the bags to save space on the table. I decided to tape chocolates as decorations.

My group was in charge of making cupcakes for the party. We planned for about 80 people. I borrowed some cup cake pans so I could make it in only two batches. I read that adding a few drops of food coloring to white sugar makes colored sugar, so I decided to try it. It was fun and easy. However, when my red sugar dried, it turned into a gorgeous burgundy color. I decided to use it anyway.

We three ladies were the leaders for this years pastors' wives' fellowship. Marina, to my left, has been a pastor's wife for about ten years. Liz, to my right, has been a pastor's wife for about as long as I have. She served several of those years in a jungle ministry.

We used the largest classroom at the Bible College for our party.

A couple of the moms watching the program.

The children performed two Christmas songs for the moms.

These three adorable brothers and their mother (in the back) enjoyed the party. Their little 2 year-old brother was taking a nap so he wasn't in the picture.

Joanna was fascinated by the Christmas tree. She stayed by it as much as she could. She was a good little girl and didn't touch the tree. Her momw as close by.

Most of the children of our pastors' families.

Most of the moms and children present. Some of us had to take the pictures. A few moms were out with small children.

Most of the boys received toy soldiers in cloth bags. A lady in my church made the bags and purses for all the children.

The girls received small cloth purses of different sizes and colors. Most of the cloth was donated.

A sample of the bags made by a lady in my church.

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