Monday, December 22, 2008

Sunday Night Cantata and Children's Program

Luke was a shepherd.

Some of the other boy shepherds. Mark is the one with his head turned to the side. They shared some of the Christmas story and sang two songs.

What a handsome dude! He had a small part of the cantata and preached a message at the end.

The youth choir

Several people narrated the story of Christmas between the songs.

Ruth, the choir leader, led the group during the practices and the decorations for the event. She is studying music at the conservatory. In the picture, she is narrating part of the story.

The youth from the church. Most of them participated in the cantata.

One of the families in the church. They were heavily involved in the Christmas activities of the church.

Hannah and friends posing for pictures after everything was done.

Michael and Isaias are sooooo cute. They have similar personalities, though Michael is much shyer at church.


Joy said...

Your decorations for your program look really pretty. It is fun to think that children all over the world have a Christmas program. It is such a neat tradition for children to present the Christmas story. God bless you and have a Merry Christmas.

Josh Palma said...

I wish I could have been there to watch it or better, been in it! It looks like it was another great cantata! Merry Christmas! I miss you all un MONTON!