Monday, November 2, 2009

Potato Picking and Sights Oct. 3

This is the property where I grew up. The bigger house is now gone and it is overgrown. We also visited the new owner of the property,who was a friend of the family.

The lake by the ome of my youth. I swam across this lake as a teen. My kids couldn't believe it. I spent much time at this lake, enjoying the outdoors: swimming and fishing in summer, ice skating in winter and all year long enjoying it.

My best friend from high school. She is now living in the house where she grew up. We enjoyed being back together again.

Michael's favorite toy at our host's house: a giant electronic spider.

Potato picking on a cold drizzly 38F day. I couldn't help out because the ground was muddy and I didn't have along my work tenners. Bummer. After a while I went inside and played with the little kids who were inside. Jon enjoyed the experience. This family the gave us some of the freshly picked potatoes. They are yummy.

Another potato picking picture.

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