Saturday, May 2, 2009

Church Anniversary, 2009

This is the completed facade of the church building. We purchased the property in Dec. of 2000, started construction in Sep. of 2002. Little by little we constructed. There are still more things to do inside, but for now, we are quite content with what we have.

We had a "common pot" meal for our anniversary this year. This means that we all had the same food. A couple of ladies from the church were designated to plan the menu, buy the food and cook. We had chicken, rice (of course) and a potato salad.
Sarah is here sitting with a couple of friends from church.

The speaker for the day was Dr. Evis Carballosa. He is teaching some courses at the Bible college this year. He preaches at different churches each weekend and for special activities. He normally lives in Spain.

After we ate and did some clean-up, we had a time of games and a power point presentations of pictures from the last year.

Flor and I were given the job of making the cake.

This past Wednesday evening in the kids' class, we started a new series on the Bible. I made these cookies using regular sandwich cookies, covering the top and bottom with chocolate covering and one edge to form a Bible.


Josh Palma said...

WOW! The church looks absolutely beautiful! I wish I could see all the changes in person! Beautiful!

Kandie Stilwell said...

The church is INCREDIBLE!!!! Wow!