Saturday, May 2, 2009

Futvoley and Volleyball, May 1st

May 1st is a holiday here in Peru. Our fellowship of churches started a sports day fellowship on this day back in 2000. The sports day on August 30th started before my years here. The May sports day became the volleyball tournament. During the Saturdays of April, the churches have eliminations and the best four teams in each category go to the semi-finals and then the top two teams go to the finals.

There are three female categories and one male category. Our church didn't pass on to the semi-finals game in any category. Bummer! But, it is still fun to watch the other churches play and see so many people.

Since most of you do not know what futvoley is, I have some pictures to help explain. They play on a volleyball court with the net and sidelines. However, they are not allowed to touch the ball with their hands or with their arms (soccer rules). It was fun to watch. It took several minutes for the players to figure out how hard they could kick the ball to get it over the net and into the opposite court. Some had to work on the head butt to get it going in the right direction.

The men playing are mostly pastors. There is one who is not, but he was invited to play to help complete a team.

A picture of the people hanging around.

Marcelo Sangama

Elias Huaman. Notice his facial expression right after he hit the ball.

The ball had to be served with the foot or head. All choose the foot.

The knee bump by Julio Jaramillo.

Even Grandpa Stilwell played and did a good job.

Rene had to jump to get that ball.

David (I just forgot his last name). He pastors a church where one of our fellow missionaries are. They are currently on furlough.

David Martinez, who happens to attend our church, was invited to play to fill the team. He is a member of the relatively new Trujillo soccer team called UCV (named after one of the local universities.

The men's volleyball games were fierce, but fun to watch how easily they could get the balls to go here and there. This shows that Latins can jump!

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